Paintball at the WMCAT Hub Debut

Paintball at the WMCAT Hub Debut Paintball with a purpose. That was the theme for the 6th Annual Purple Event, hosted by the West Michigan Cyber Security Consortium (WMCSC) on October 10th at the West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (WMCAT) facility. A purple-team cyber competition is unique in that it consists of teams made up of five offensive (red) and five defensive (blue) security professionals. They work together and share skills and knowledge in order to exploit, control, and secure assets within the live fire virtual cyber city, Alphaville. The “live fire” cyber security environment simulates real-life environments such as libraries, schools, city management offices, public utility facilities, residential homes, and even networked vehicles. In this year’s event SCYTHE provided access to their attack simulation platform. The teams were free to use SCYTHE in any way they saw fit, and due to the flexibility of the tool it could be used both o...